Turmeric (QUEEN OF SPICES) Benefits

Turmeric (QUEEN OF SPICES) Benefits :

 Since we all are in Pongal festive season and celebration mood, all of us will think of Pongal (a South-Indian dish), Sugarcane and most importantly Turmeric. The beginning of the year, farmers harvest Turmeric and as a gratitude they will pray the God SUN to be successful year ahead for them.

           We all know Turmeric is the auspicious/holy product. It plays a significant role in all the important functions and festivals of society. (Everyone knows I guess, so I do not want to remind you again) but here I am going to pen down some important health benefits of Turmeric.

         Turmeric has its own Anti-Oxidant (if you want to know what it is refer our “Health Benefits of Lemon” Blog), Anti-Inflammatory and Antibiotic properties. Curcumin is a naturally occurring chemical compound found in Turmeric. This Curcumin rich foods are scientifically proven health benefits such as to prevent Heart disease, Alzheimer's and Cancer. I remember my mom puts Turmeric with rock salt on any wound to heal fast mainly if there is any blood clot. (Example of anti-inflammatory property).

         I am sure we all use Turmeric in the form of powder once a day to add flavor / Color to food but make sure we use the organic one (homemade) not the store bought. Consuming in food is best way to enjoy its medical properties.

Here are some home-made recipes using Turmeric:

Haldi Milk - A Daily natural detox drink:

      Take a pinch of Turmeric (pure) in boiled milk with two balls of pepper or pinch of pepper powder with palm sugar and intake this mix thrice a week during night before bed. I can say it’s a magic drink and you can see the results gradually. It acts as a detox drink which removes unwanted toxic from the body and gives potential strength to the body (natural body cleanser). I would recommend all to use natural Turmeric and not a store bought, because those powders are adulterated and we do not know what is there in it.
Other Products:

        Now I could see Turmeric coffee, Turmeric Tea, Golden milk (I have mentioned as Haldi Milk above), Turmeric Supplement, Turmeric Soup, etc., in market. I don't know how far it is prepared but if there are such product it surely a gift to human society but we lost its patent in India (how sad it is) and so the increase in killer disease nationwide.

         Turmeric water can be sprinkled in home if anyone is affected with Infectious disease or if there is any bad odour or any flies/Insects around the house. (a small known info).

A short brief on Turmeric uses:

1. Natural Pain killer
2. Anti-Aging
3. Diabetic patient's friend
4. Reduce risk of heart attack
5. Recommended by dentist for teeth
6. Cures Lung infections
7. Anti-Infections / Anti-Cancerous property
8. Heals wounds faster
9. Simple treatment for Arthritis     
10. Reduces bad Cholesterol

Hope you all have read this blog and think through the benefits of Turmeric and include in your day-to-day life.

See you later with other food benefit blog! Until then bye..


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