5 Things which keeps you going till now!!

Hello Folks!!

Hope everyone are doing good and in our prayers!! This is kind of Lifestyle cum motivated blog where many can benefit out of this reading. Ping me if you are satisfied with this. Come lets get into the blog.

Happy day ahead :)

Close eyes and imagine someone who you believe is living a great life.  Who do you see?  What do you see?

Is the person rich?  Does the person have a vibrant family life?  Maybe they are an adventurer who constantly seeks new challenges to conquer. 

While all these qualities are great, you must ask yourself, does success in one area of your life really mean that you are living a great life?

Many of us wrongly believe that success is defined by the increase accumulation of material wealth.  Owning big houses, nice clothes, and the latest gadgets is a sign of success.  This is amplified by the fact that mass media, namely advertisers are pushing their messages on us in order to drive more sales. But Can you sit and think for a while what is Success according to you?

There are two phases where in one phase we face Success and in second phase we face Failure. The first phase goes easy if we attain it. Did you think of second phase if you attain it what are the difficulties you yield. In order to keep you motivatated in second phase read the below 5 pointers which keeps you going till now.


No 1 : Self-Confidence

“Low self-esteem is like driving through life with your hand brake on.” -- Maxwell Maltz

If your on the way to build self-confidence that means you are preparing yourself for Success. Start today and procastination decreases your way you handle self-confidence. This is the important thing one should wear in times if you think you lost in life. This keeps us fight till the end whatever the situation is. 
Confidence people inspire confidence in others: their audience, their co-workers,their friends,their bosses,their customers etc., It is not always easy to be confident at all the times particularly if you are self-critical or if someone puts you down.(here I am not discouraging) But it is only you and you can re-build yourself.
1. Being willing to take risk and go the extra mile to achieve extra things.
2. Admitting your mistakes and learning from them.
3. Doing what you believe is right, even if others mock or criticize it.  
4. Always practice everyday remind yourself what you want to became.
5. Be positive whatever comes in a way. One who value themselves and trust their own judgement. 
6. Choose a hobby 
7. Be optimistic

There are many struggles comes your way to success. Self-confidence is the therapy that you need to take then and there if you face hurdles. Learn to be kind to others. Change your way of thinking and wear the confidence wherever you go.


No 2 : Passion

"It is not love what you do but do what you love" .

Passion is a strong feeling of love or enthusiasm. Ask yourself what are you passionate about. It is the most difficult question to answer because we may be interested in many things/hobbies etc., Narrow your mind and Choose a passion wisely. If you love what you do you will forget the negative side of life and starts enjoying in positive way. Success finds its way to you.

I would again say " Do whatever you are passionate about" . Sometimes thats not practical because we must earn for our living so we are doing/working whatever comes on the way or whatever is comfortable. But we can slowly create/allocate our time to do what we love(so called passion) everyday or practicing continuoulsy during your free time, who knows it can become your job/earning pays you one day.  


No 3: Life Goal


Have you ever stopped to think about your life goals?

Life goals are the things you’d like to achieve in order to be satisfied with your future and who you become. Your personal goals could range from better relationships, to starting a business, to travelling the world.Some goals are specific; others are flexible and open to interpretation.

However, without at least one goal to progress towards, you won’t experience much personal development.

Set a life goal you want to make in life because that keeps you going all the times and boost your mind to work faster than ever. Setting life goal and achieving it gives you an immense pleasure and your mind enjoys it as you go through but you should not develop the grudge as you do it. When you do it you cannot make the progress of your goal but it stops in the middle of your process which develops in anything like losing of self-confidence,low times etc., which will not keep you sustain for longer.

There are many ways you can explain goal terms which will go for pages but I am going to give you a short note in this blog but later will choose a specific topic on this and will pen down.

There are two types of Goals :

1. Short-term Goals
2. Long-term Goals

Before going in depth first make vision board of yourself i.e., one for short-term(be it a year) and one for long-term goal and keep it in visible place of yours. Whenever you see it you will get motivated to work harder than yesterday.

Set the short-term goal for one year or two year of your choice and work harder perhaps smarter sometimes to achieve the goal.
Long-term goal is something you set for a lifetime achievement and you can gradually work hard to get it done in years. This is one among the thing that keeps you going!!


No 4: Reason for Living

Life is an invitation to learn. We can learn something from every moment, good or bad. 
Our lives are not only our own. They also belong to those who surround us. We should take care of ourselves because we are important to others even though we sometimes forget it.

Why are you living? What is the purpose of your life? What happens after death? Sooner or later we have to face these questions in life. Not the easiest ones to answer.Today you are challenged to think about your life and your future for just one week. An investment that will be worth it!Are you happy with the life you are living? How valuable is your life? Is life making sense anyway? How will your future look like?         

It is not very easy to answer all the above questions. By time goes and at each point you were able to answer all the questions. Whenever you think you are in struggle, think of the members or even universe who are dependent on us.We should atleast make a living for them. You will forgot all the worries you have when you see their face.    

No 5: Back Support and pillar of Support


When you have family and Friends who support you in your low times and high times then I got to say you are rich here and no material things will mentally support you. They are the ones who will be your side and others leave when their work is over.

Having a healthy family relationship is a must to living a great life.  There is no greater satisfaction than coming home to a loving home and spending quality time with those you love the most.  Make your family a priority because careers, friends and money all come and go, but your family will always be your family. 

I think you get some motivation at the end of this blog. If yes that makes my day. Be happy always and make others happy. Stay tuned and see you soon. Till then contact me at amazinglifeexperience2020@gmail.com for any queries.


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