All about Minimalism - Get Started

Hello Friends!!

        All would have come across the word Minimalism and anyone have done research on this to know better. Come lets get into the blog to know more about this. I would expect this should throw some light on you. Many of them may be doing this but should be consistent to achieve this.

I recently got a full picture of this and it’s nothing but a rule to yourself defined by yourself.

So I thought of writing as a blog ever since I have known and practicing the same. I have already followed one simple rule to myself while decluttering if the objects or things that is not being taken or used for atleast a year then that should be discarded if it is not necessary.(This is my starting step)


Intentional promotion of the things we most value and the removal of anything that distracts us from it. Only allowing what aligns with your most important values to take up your space and your time.


Anyone can be minimalists if interested.


  • It promotes simple living.
  • Inculcates habit of buying restrictive things.
  • Next time decluttering is simple.
  • Benefits of living with less.

Detail Explanation:

This is very unique to the person and there is no single set of rules or standards as I told before. Life becomes harder when it is so restrictive. Minimalist who buy minimal things but of high quality that last longer.

Let me tell you to do it?

Once you wanted to become minimalist throw away all the wants but keep the needs. If you want to start declutter every nook and corner of the house and make the list. Unnecessary wants becomes a destruction. Why I want to choose minimalism? My simple criteria it gave me is tension free cleaning the house and moreover there is no time for us to clean the house with 4 or 5 family can utilize those utensils and others etc.,as both are working. So it’s a good way to chose this.

1.  Avoid duplicates --

First thing to incorporate this habit is to clean around the house to check if the things or any sort of object is duplicated and try to eliminate those if it is not necessary. Sometimes we need  some items in the house more than one and that’s acceptable. Think of those essential items.

2.  high quality things lasts longer

Always prefer to buy the high quality things which lasts longer for more years and it reduces buying things often.

3.  Shop less travel places

If you are more shopholic then Minimalist will not be easy for you but if your interested you can do incorporate that. If you feel like shopping unless it is necessary travel to exciting places which creates memory rather than material things.

4.  declutter first

If you want to start for the first time then take a day and spend time to declutter the house every nook and corner of the house. Then done and you have successfully started.

5.  declutter again after six months or a year

It is not that first time decluttering and your job is done. You have to be consistent in order to live a minimalist lifestyle.

6. Leave out emotions on certain things

In order to be a minimalist, You need to leave out certain emotions on certain things. But there are exceptions that you can set the rule to yourself.

7. Reduce , Reuse and Recycle

Set the simple rule to yourself to use the above R3 to incorporate on your lifestyle. This not only for minimalist life but helps everytime and everywhere.

8. Train yourself 

Inorder to follow the above set of rules the first and foremost thing is to train your mind to do it the way you like to have minimalism.

9. DIYs and stress buster

You can use the concept of Reuse and DIY together to make room for new things as such rather than buying new things which occupies space and everything. It is cost effective and a powerful stress buster for lifetime.

10. Leave wants and Accept needs

One simple quote I found across the Minimalism is “ Leave wants and allow needs” that will take care rest of the above.

I am sure you get some idea on what is Minimalism and try to implement wherever possible. Be happy always and make others happy. Stay tuned and see you soon. Till then contact me at for any queries.


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