Different types of Spinach (keerai) Benefits

Hello Friends!!

While thinking about new post on blog to write, I saw my mom cleaning the spinach by side. So here I got the content which is very useful to all of us.

During our Grandmother's period atleast twice a day they consumed green leaves(any kind of) and that is natural without any pesticide. But we are not consuming even once a week and with all the pesticides sprayed on it.

I have taken 10 varieties of Spinach with its medicinal benefits related to each of our organ.
Note: The composition of minerals mentioned for each type is taken from Internet source.
1. Agathi 

Botanical Name :Sesbania grandiflra
Medicinal Benefit: Stomach, reduces body heat

Protein:  8.4%
Fat:       1.4%
Vitamins : Vitamin-A, and Vitamin - C
Additional : Iron-rich

Agathi Keerai, an omnipotent spinach, is capable of curing not only physiological but also psychological problems of human beings.It has precisely 63 curative benefits as per Siddha school of medicine.Mainly,this reduces body heat and cools the stomach. It flush out the toxins from the body. It heals the wounds and is a sure remedy for mental depression and other illnesses.


2. Manathakkali

Botanical Name :Solanum nigrum
Medicinl Benefit:Stomach and mouth ulcers

Moisture Fat :1.0 g       
Calories :68 
Water :82.1 g 
Protein :5.9g 
Minerals :2.1g 
Sugar :8.9g 
Calcium :410 mg 
Phosphorus :70mg 
Iron :20.5 mg 
Vitamin C :11 mg    
Vitamins: Vitamin-C

The leaves give strength to muscles and improve vision.It is the best medicine for headache and skin infections.The highlight of  manathakkali uses is to reduce  urinary infections. Manathakkali keerai is the best medicine for constipation. The leaves have high medicinal value and are a very good source for the cure of stomach and mouth ulcers and also any indigestion problems.

3.  Ponnanganni

Botanical Name:Alternanthera sessilis
Medicinal Benefit: Eye related problems

(in 100 grams of Ponnanganni)
73 calories of energy
Protein: 5g
Fat: 1g
Carbohydrate: 12 g
Dietar Fiber: 3g
Minerals: 2g
Calcium: 510mg
Phosphorus: 60mg
Iron: 2mg

Ponnanganni keerai is one of the best sources for treatment of eye related problems. Fresh leaves are applied as such on the eye lids to cure inflammation in the sebaceous glands of the eyelids. It also cures chronic inflammation in the eyes and conjunctivitis.Powdered dry ponnanganni leaves are applied externally to remove the effect of poison due to snakebites. It can be applied along with other first-aids given for snake bites.

4. Vallarai

Botanical Name:Centella asiatica
Medicinal Benefit: Brain development

Vitamins: Vitamin A and Vitamin C
Rich in Iron and Calcium 

This is an excellent medicine for Brain development in Children and also enhances memory power.Vallarai is an ideal cure/medicine for ulcerous mouth. Patients suffering fromulcerous mouth can take 3 or 5 leaves of this raw Vallarai and chew in the mornings and evenings, twice a day. Wonderful curing effect can be observed within a few days. It is also an idel cure for several complaints like throat-block, fever, and cold and also, body fatigue. It is also helps to cure complaints such as body-irritaton, pain in the joints (knees and arms), swelling, and passing yellow-coloured urine.

5. Mudakathan

Botanical Name: Cardiospermum halicacabum
Medicinal Benefit: Joint pain and Back Pain

(In 100 grams of Mudakathan) 
61 calories of energy
Protein: 4.7g
Fat: 0.6g
Carbohydrate: 9g 
Rich in Minerals,Calcium,Iron and Phosphorus

Mudakathan leaves has strong anti-inflammatory properties. It gives noticeable relief in patients of arthritis, joint pain and even gout patients.Its use is now proven to be extremely safe in children. Mudakathan keerai is also used for treating ear pain and fluid discharge, cough and cold. 

6. Muringai (Moringa Leaves)

Botanical Name:Moringa oleifera
Medicinal Benefit:Iron deficiency

one cup of fresh(21 grams) of Moringa contains:
Protein: 2 grams
Vitamin B6: 19% 
Vitamin C: 12% 
Iron: 11% 
Riboflavin (B2): 11% 
Vitamin A (from beta-carotene): 9% 
Magnesium: 8% 

Moringa has such plenty amount of health benefits to all age groups.Moringa is rich in various antioxidants, including quercetin and chlorogenic acid. Moringa leaf powder can increase blood antioxidant levels.Moringa leaves may lead to reduced blood sugar levels, but more research is needed before any solid recommendations can be made.Moringa leaves can lower your cholesterol levels, potentially reducing the risk of heart disease.Fertility of both(Man and Women) can be increased if consumed periodically.

7. Thoothuvalai

Botanical Name: Solanum trilobatum 
Medicinal Benefit: Cold, Cough and Sinus 

Rich amount of calcium, iron, phosphorus, carbohydrates, fat, crude fiber,and minerals.

This medicinal herb leaves and flower is commonly used for treating cold,cough and acute asthma.In ayurveda this herb is popularly used for treating sinus,lung diseases and even for the treatment of tuberculosis.The herb is considered as the very good medicine for getting strength and energy to the body. South Indian make rasam out of this to treat cold.   

8. Vepellai / Neem

Botanical Name: Azadirachta indica
Medicinal Benefit: Skin disease and Skin allergy

Protein: 7.1% 
Carbohydrates: 22.9%
Acids:  Glutamic acid, Tyrosine, Aspartic acid, Alanine, Praline, Glutamine and Cystine like Amino acids, and several fatty acids (Dodecanoic, Tetradecanoic, Elcosanic, etc.)

Rich in minerals, Calcium, Phosphorus, Vitamin C, Carotene

Neem leaf and its constituents have been demonstrated to exhibit immunomodulatory, anti-inflammatory,antihyperglycaemic, antiulcer, antimalarial, antifungal,
antibacterial, antiviral, antioxidant, antimutagenic,anticarcinogenic, anti-snake venom activities properties.it is used for skin diseases and digestive system disorders. One or two fresh new leaf can be consumed.

9. Pudhina

Botanical Name: Mentha spicata
Medicinal Benefit: Indigestion and  Body Refreshment 

It is rich in Nutrients.It may Improve Irritable Bowel Syndrome.It may help Relieve Indigestion.Could Improve Brain Function.It may Decrease Breastfeeding Pain.It is easy to add to your diet.

10. Palak

Botanical Name: Spinacia oleracea
Medicinal Benefit:Iron Deficiency

One cup of raw spinach contains:
7 calories
Protein: 0.86 g
Calcium: 30 mg
Iron: 0.81 g 
Magnesium: 24 mg
Potassium: 167 mg 
Folate:58 mg

Rich in vitamin K, Fiber, Phosphorus, and Thiamine.

A lack of iron in the diet can affect how efficiently the body uses energy. Spinach is a great source of iron. Make sure to combine vitamin-C-rich foods such as citrus fruits with plant iron like spinach to improve absorption.This can contribute to preventing the growth of cancer.Due to its high potassium content, spinach is recommended for people with high blood pressure.

I hope everyone knows about the Importance of Green leaves which is available fresh and cheap.For any queries, contact at amazinglifeexperience2020@gmail.com.
Stay tuned!! See you soon! 


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