Five ways to keep you energized during morning

Hello Friends!

This post is especially for IT professionals who runs in a busy schedule without having time for anybody and everything.(I am not complaining but that is the reality)
In the busy schedule of our lives, where both husband and wife are working, it is always very difficult to handle the morning situation and is always hurry-burry scenes. This is because there is no pre-plan/pre-preparation the previous day. It is always better to make some time for the pre-planning to execute the other day.
If you follow this, I am sure you will not end up in chaos situation next morning.

Also the important note (to keep you energized during morning) is go to bed as early to open up the fresh morning. Going to bed late night and waking up late, skipping breakfast will always bring side effects later. I know there are late night person who used to work effectively during that time and we can leave them as exceptions. This blog is for people who want to utilize most of their morning time effectively and productively.

I am sure you guys are going to love this write up and practice in your daily routine.

First Activity: Wake up early

Time : 5.00 am - 5.15 am

If we go to bed early, the next morning we can wake up early(4.50 am - 5.00am) in the morning and watch the sunrise. I know it is very very tough during initial few days but it is very good if you make a practice.

Sit in the bed and meditate for 2-3 minutes in the position thinking about positive thoughts(your wish). This will give refreshment and positive vibes for the day.

After done with your morning works, drink atleast two glasses of water.  

Second Activity: Regular Exercise

Time : 5.15 am - 5.30 am

People who is good at doing regular exercise or morning yoga will make you mental as well as physically fit. Morning Walk can also burn calories and do give some energy booster to the body. We have simple exercise for all the organs to activate.

While taking a new step, make sure you gradually increase the minutes and don't do overload of exercise in a single day. It will not keep you encourage to do next day.   

Also as a warmup, prayanamas will be helpful.

Third Activity: Have Energized Drink

Time: 5.30 am - 5.40 am

After ten to fifteen minutes of workout, drink half to one litre of water followed by any one of your favourite drink and some are listed below according to my knowledge.

1. Milk Coffee (my personal favorite that too strong) or Black coffee.
2. Hotwater with Lemon and Honey.
3. Normal tea or Green tea.
4. Protein Shake.

Fourth Activity: Relaxation while working

Time: 5.40 am - 6.00 am

During busy morning routine we do not have time to sit and relax but we can relax while cutting the vegetables and other stuff(reading newspapers,listening to podcasts,reading novels etc.,) while listening to our favorite music. (It is our me time).

Fifth Activity: Regular work

Time: 6.00 am to ---- (filled by you)

After all the above done, we will have usual routine works to be continued without hurry burry. I am sure you feel refresh through out the day if you engage all the activities mentioned above!!.

I hope you will like this blog and post your comments if you start to follow these simple rules. Will share the dedicated blog for Full day routine. Let me know in the comments if you need any dedicated blog for any topic related to lifestyle. 



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